
Protests begin, foreign pressure mounts on Venezuela's Maduro
Venezuelan opposition protests began and foreign pressure mounted on Friday over a court takeover of Congress that many viewed as a lurch into dictatorship by a leftist government grappling with a plunge in popularity.

If it isn't yet obvious from the parallels in rhetoric and tactics displayed the US has/had been taken over by the same world-wide body of leftist ideologues.
Those that backed Obama and that were in cahoots with Hillary were in, or above, the same circles of CFR an UN controlled groups whose duty it was/is to infiltrate and undermine the sovereign governments around the globe and get the populace to adhere to the same ideology.
The reason most of these leftists are outwardly appearing to be oil and water with Islam the reason you see them fighting side by side is because they are two sides of the same coin with the same goal through the same means.
It is now more difficult for them to roll out crap in the US by the receipt of an email so they simply pop up in another part of the world where they can while they attempt to get the upper hand in the US again.
This is an attempt at a one world government through an international coup that will then install a puppet that answers not to the US but to the UN.
With Obama and Hillary out the US is attempting to regain control of itself from the UN and the Federal Reserve just as the UK had recently done.
Take a step back and review recent history and it should be obvious.
Most of the politicians even admit to it and blatantly state their intent or commitment to these international groups that have that as their goal.

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