
Is there a retail apocalypse happening in America?

Has a retail apocalypse has officially descended on America?
Has a retail apocalypse has officially descended on America?
The retail apocalypse has officially descended on America (link)
Thousands of mall-based stores are shutting down in what's fast becoming one of the biggest waves of retail closures in decades.

Um, because regulations hurt businesses and taxes hurt consumers. Duh! Sooner or later even a teenage girl or a trans liquid queer boy realizes there's only so much you can consume before you become a fat mass of ugliness that is still empty inside. Putin, Trump, and the rest of those tongue lashed by the media are not "anti-America" they are anti-"those that turn humans into blobs of self loathing, do anything to feel good even if for just a moment, back stabbing, sniping, anti-biology, definition redefining, soulless sacks of despair".
We want humans to be people again!

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