
Is Melania Trump Prepared to Set the Record Straight about Kellyanne Conway?

Is Melania Trump Prepared to Set the Record Straight?
Is Melania Trump Prepared to Set the Record Straight about Kellyanne Conway?
Kellyanne Conway Is the Real First Lady of Trump's America (link)
She's a star. Not your star, perhaps. But that's the point.
The view from here
Wow! that was one long article!
I can't recall the last times I saw so many personal attacks against an individual, a married couple, or the children of a politician.
While many may point out instances of "the alt right" or "far left conspiracy theorists" I'm referring to the MSM or the product that is consumed by the general population at large.
The publications and media the permeate our culture and understanding of everyday life are the perpetrators of this vile partisan hate filled need to attack and dehumanize each individual within the entire family as being anything other than a breathing, thinking, caring, emotional human being.
The shit has hit the fan!

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