
Lionel: An Informative Ride On The Trump Train!

A very riveting report with many examples of "Fake News" from the MSM & the left
Much time has passed since I lost interest in the news cycle from RT and its "in your face" reporting style and its, then, unique camera angles, zooms, and movements.
Perhaps it was the fact that the news cycle had become redundant, the RT network itself became "News", or that the DNC's campaign against Russia had silenced RT as both Trump and the network distanced themselves from each other.
Enter today's happy surprise!
Occasionally YouTube will throw me a suggestion that rings true and this video was just that.
This is one incredible interview. Lionel hits every note and rings every bell. The excitement level becomes so high and enthusiasm so volatile that both the host then Lionel himself had to refocus and reel it back in a little.
While dismissing Trump's statements on Sweden, riots broke out in Stockholm!
To say this interview was entertaining would be doing it an injustice as it was chock full o' information backed by years of life experience from an overly accomplished man.
As time marches onward I can only hope people will began to grasp onto the facts rather than perpetuating the partisan propaganda of the past.
The preceding commentary regards a YouTube post from Lionel Nation of his appearance as a guest on an RT report. The title of the video (link) is "Trump Was Absolutely Right About Sweden: Where's the Fake News Alt-Left Apology?"

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