
Why are you atheists so ANGRY?!!!!?!!?!!!! - Sapient Saturdays 😠 - YouTube
Humanity is making tremendous strides towards a brighter future, and that excites an...

While I understand your intent I feel it is entrenched in idealism and thus is unrealistic.
There will be no consensus of billions of individuals with varying IQs and emotional states.
Just won't occur in the real world. Science will also not be held in such high regard as to remain untainted by politics and money or power as is its current state right now.
In saying living with nature rather than simply living in it I believe we concur regarding a need for a symbiotic relationship with other class, genus, and species but I'm not sure that exists or could exist in the same manner it does with other class, genus, and species as they are more mechanically dependent and/or survival dependent with no other aim rather than free will individuals going to and fro for reasons of their own as we are.
People need to be governed.
Perhaps not by the millions or billions but people need limits and consequences or shit gets outa hand..
To many dumb asses can't comprehend the need for respect let alone employ it, give it, or feel it.
Eugenics is the only way but that is a literal death panel (or non-life panel) as instead of allowing two individuals with defects to procreate more defects into our gene pool we would isolate and prevent pollution of our purity.
This is actually another Biblical concept as the flood was designed to kill all the unclean bloodlines and preserve the untainted human genome.
Medicine, big pharma, is also unnatural and is a form of genetic pollution as it allows the otherwise weak or sickly to procreate children that carry weak or prone to be less resilient from illness genes. but where to draw the line on what a defect is where the problem lies.
From there should we mix races?
There are differences between the races.
When a person is dead and only bones remain we can tell what race they were.
To think we are all the same but color is bullshit pre SJW social engineering.
It doesn't mean one is better than another but it does mean they are different just as a man is different than a woman with a penis and a woman is different than a weak and physically less effective man.
The best female athletes are mediocre or worse in male sports.
Our muscular, skeletal, chemical, social, and emotional being is different.
Not better or worse but different.
Being a part of nature or simply thrown back into it to survive would teach this lesson very well but sit push button pea bodies into a classroom setting and tell this to students and you'll be on channel 3, 6, and 10.
Like I said before, you've got the idea to a point and are almost there.
Time to experience more will allow realizations you can not yet comprehend through though and conversation.
wisdom is what knowledge can never be, time tested and understood on a personal subjective level where your subjective truth will eventually be understood by other peers as though they comprehend your subjective perception.
It is because they have experienced enough to have understood a similar acknowledgment of their place in the world.
You'll see, unless you're one of those you are already looking down upon until you eventually get to the point of even letting go of that care as it is no longer important to acknowledge even as an annoyance. nanu nanu mork calling orson come in orson...

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