
Do Liberals Impose Their Ideology Upon Us?

Notice: Intolerance will not be tolerated!
Should we be forced to concede to others' ideologies?
Why do liberals think they have the right to force their beliefs on states that are completely conservative? - Quora (link)
My input:
Because most of those "activist" youth have had a liberal education, maternal raising, anti white Christian male, anti US world government political ideology for about or more than 75% of their entire life forming and reinforcing their trained perceptions.
Those that have been alive longer are those that perpetuate it for their own benefit, power, money, or political reasons.
That's why simply attempting to cut and paste the definition of a word or relay the meaning with historical context behind our constitution is met with child-like opposition.
Today's adults are children on the teats of their feminist mother's government where they can redefine or do whatever makes them feel good as long as they cast the right vote.

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