
The Immense Pride and Unspeakable Agony of Gordon Hayward

The Immense Pride and Unspeakable Agony of Gordon Hayward
The Immense Pride and Unspeakable Agony of Gordon Hayward
After the pain came the doubt,
that nocturnal beast, always awakening as Gordon Hayward searched for sleep.

He's a white fucking male!
Aside from making enough money to support his wife's every need or desire he should not have pride and should only have agony!

March with me sisters!!!
Fuck white males!
Then take their money!

Then give them kids?
Then push him to make more money!
Then take his kids!
Then take that more money!
We are feminism!
Right or Wrong? Agree or Disagree?
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++The Immense Pride and Unspeakable Agony of Gordon Hayward

##The Immense Pride and Unspeakable Agony of Gordon Hayward - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Immense #Pride #Unspeakable #A#gony #Gordon #Hayward >> Commentary @ |
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