
Fake News from ABC Tanks Stock Market!!!

Fake News from ABC Tanks Stock Market!!!
Fake News from ABC Tanks Stock Market!!!
I'm in the camp that thinks these guys will write a bad piece like this on purpose with the intent to tag the market so the prices drop their buddies a buy-in at reduced price for a stock that will return to the value it was shortly after they do the correction…

This is a stock market/fake news media insider trading work-a-round…

This was planned!

chase the money trail and you will see that someone bought in at the trough point and sold off after the recovery…

I mean they "make" and have been making the news all these years right?
They've gotta pay their super high priced CEO and his buddies with something…
Right or Wrong? Agree or Disagree?
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++Fake News from ABC Tanks Stock Market!!!

##Fake News from ABC Tanks Stock Market!!! - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Fake #News #from #ABC #Tanks #Stock #Market

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