
NFL Week 16 Predictions

NFL Week 16 Predictions
NFL Week 16 Predictions
NFL Week 16 Predictions

Who will kneel and who will squeal?
For the ladies: Who's outfits will match their pretty little shoes?

It is no longer a sport.
It has become the same as everything else, feminized, and gossipy.

It used to be the fulfilment of an ideology of conduct and being part of a team.
Now it has become teams of individuals with their own little acts willing to buck their own teams efforts for the spotlight of stardom and political notoriety.
The opposite of what it once was…
Right or Wrong? Agree or Disagree?
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++NFL Week 16 Predictions

##NFL Week 16 Predictions - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #NFL #Week #Predictions >> Commentary @ |
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