
Poll: Trump's approval rating hits new low in Pew poll

Poll: Trump's approval rating hits new low in Pew poll
Poll: Trump's approval rating hits new low in Pew poll
A new poll released Thursday
shows President Trump's approval rating has hit a new low.The Pew Research Center poll finds that just 32 percent of Americans approve of how Trump is handling his job as president. Sixty...

Isn't this the same article as last weeks?

OK, we get it, the 5 people you spoke with answered your ambiguous question with either a yes or no before one of your fresh out of college gender studies classes that recently went to a micro-aggression sensitivity seminar started thinking that if they said yes it means they thought this or that while if they said no it circled around to an identical meaning for different reasons.

When speaking to liberals and/or females the one take-a-way I have for anyone that cares is that they will hear and see whatever supports their predisposed ideals or easily triggered emotional defensive mechanisms.

It is necessary to convince them into thinking your in agreement with them while adding tiny bits to it until they are agreeing with your perspective otherwise your perspective if simply stated bluntly like you would relay to a male would be seen as an attack to them and their right to exist because that's what estrogen does to a person to make them able to connect so deeply to the needs of a child.

It is unfortunate that the entire world around them needs to behave as though it is their child in order not to be perceived as a threat to them…
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++Poll: Trump's approval rating hits new low in Pew poll

##Poll: Trump's approval rating hits new low in Pew poll - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Poll #Trump #approval #rating #hits #new #low #Pew #poll >Commentary @
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