
Danny Masterson rape allegations lead to firing from Netflix, The Ranch - CBS News

Danny Masterson rape firing from Netflix, The Ranch
Danny Masterson rape allegations lead to firing from Netflix, The Ranch - CBS News
Netflix has fired "The Ranch"
star Danny Masterson as multiple rape allegations mount against the actor

So which reason is it?
He's a Scientologist, a rapist, or yet another white male?

I'm quite sure the white males before him weren't scientologists so that leaves a coin flip, eh?
Right or Wrong? Agree or Disagree?
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++Danny Masterson rape firing from Netflix, The Ranch

##Danny Masterson rape allegations lead to firing from Netflix, The Ranch - CBS News - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Danny #Masterson #rape #allegations #lead #firing #from #Netflix #Ranch #CBS #News

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