
Trump defense of Melania Trump follows presidential pattern

Trump defense of Melania Trump follows presidential pattern
Trump defense of Melania Trump follows presidential pattern
Bill Clinton once wanted to punch
a newspaper columnist in the nose for calling Hillary Clinton a "congenital liar." Ronald Reagan complained about the "bum rap" Nancy Reagan got for buying White House china. George H.W. Bush defended Barbara Bush after female students objected to her as their commencement speaker because she dropped out of college to marry him.

Quite satisfied with the level of poise he showed in her defense.

It only again goes to show just how covetous and juvenile these people are – both now and in prior generations…
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++Trump defense of Melania Trump follows presidential pattern

##Trump defense of Melania Trump follows presidential pattern - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Trump #defense #Melania #Trump #follows #presidential #pattern

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