
Operative Offered Trump Campaign Kremlin Connection Using N.R.A. Ties

Operative Offered Trump Campaign Kremlin Connection Using N.R.A. Ties
Operative Offered Trump Campaign Kremlin Connection Using N.R.A. Ties
A conservative operative told
a campaign aide he could arrange a back-channel meeting between Donald J. Trump and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia through his pro-gun connections.

Described to TNYT by whom?

Is Nicholas Fandos of TNYT really more interested in linking a connection of the NRA to Russia the bad guys through unsubstantiated claims?

I'd be inclined to think so because as a reporter of TNYT he is likely to hold disdain for Trump, Russia, and the NRA and if you were to write an article based upon passing information from an unclaimed source on an unsubstantiated claim why would you not use the opportunity to weave a tale of support for your self-righteous bias?

TNYT is news?
– LOL!
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++Operative Offered Trump Campaign Kremlin Connection Using N.R.A. Ties

##Operative Offered Trump Campaign Kremlin Connection Using N.R.A. Ties - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Operative #Offered #Trump #Campaign #Kremlin #Connection #Using #NRA #Ties

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