
If Africans have 0% neanderthal DNA, does that mean Blacks were the first Homo Sapiens? | Yahoo Answers

Africans have 0% neanderthal DNA, were Blacks the first Homo Sapiens?
If Africans have 0% neanderthal DNA, does that mean Blacks were the first Homo Sapiens? | Yahoo Answers
If so, how comes white
people were also homo sapies but were the only race who has neanderthal DNA, and Blacks don't?

Answer by Davine Templar (Level 1):
Hi I would just like to make a quick comment. Anyone with a scientific background should know that original African species did not have any chimp or animal dna hence no neanderthal genes. We know neanderthal are remnants of early hominid species (ape-man). This clearly shows the "dumb" Africans were manipulating the gene to create others species for slave work, warriors, etc. The dark skin people you do see with chimp or ape like features are the remnants of the experiments done by the Black African Gods of prehistory. They took their dna and mixed it with various primates and animals. The white man is result of the mongloian ape man who migrated to asia and after the ice age in a genetic mutation lost his color. That is why pale people are called "Caucasian", it means dead asian. So now we know the legends are true: In genesis it says let "US" make man in our image. This was the Black African creating all other races by spicing the genes with primates. Hence all races have neanderthal 'primate" in them. except the original african. Any one who has a scientific or geneticist background can vouch for this information. That is why all humans mitochondria goes back to Black African woman. But the nuclear dna is all over the place. Primates, birds, felines, polar bears. any pale person who studies their dna and genome sequence will understand why they behave so contrary to Blacks. You hate that you are part animal. So you act like it. Its not your fault, its the Black African Preisthood who created you all from blacks and animals. Peace and blessing.

Caucasian means dead Asian?
So black women were breeding with random animals to try to create slaves?
Most X-species embryos can not be brought full term making many "experiments" gone wrong before screwing all types of monkeys, giraffes, liazards, donkeys, etc. to finally get a white baby.
Do you actually believe it the way you wrote it?

I'm more inclined to believe the next guy screen named "numscul"...
"So here is a simple way to think about it Cavemen went all over the world and Had Sex with everyone but when they got to Africa and saw Africans they Ran as fast as their stubby caveman legs would let them"

Just sayin'...
Right or Wrong? Agree or Disagree?
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++If Africans have 0% neanderthal DNA, does that mean Blacks were the first Homo Sapiens? | Yahoo Answers

##If Africans have 0% neanderthal DNA, does that mean Blacks were the first Homo Sapiens? | Yahoo Answers - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #If #Africans #have #neanderthal #DNA #does #mean #Blacks #first #Homo #Sapiens #Yahoo #Answers


  1. There is beauty in all colors of skins. Eve was written as out of man, so Adam was both mother and father of the first woman. She could have been the black woman's DNA that is found in the roots. Adam didn't know that black was not beautiful, nor did he voice opposition to something different. If you read the bible Cain was afraid of others killing him so others were already in the earth. So the chicken came before the egg. Man came before the woman. Maybe God was saying woe man and Adam was still sleepy?

    1. Interesting take. These days I'm inclined to think the Anunaki stories were a prehistory to the Bible being written as a point in time farther back than we have yet uncovered by archaeology. Regarding the Neanderthal DNA being in Asians and Europeans but not Africans I believe the Bible spells it out by saying Japheth may dwell in the houses of Shem. I also believe this has been shown to be the case as "white" mummies have been found around the world including Asia but none yet in Africa (so far as I know). When science and the Bible agree I take note of the subject matter...


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