
Parts of Puerto Rico Won’t Have Power for 8 Months. What’s the Holdup?

Parts of Puerto Rico Won’t Have Power for 8 Months. What’s the Holdup?
Parts of Puerto Rico Won’t Have Power for 8 Months. What’s the Holdup?
Questions for the Army Corps
of Engineers and the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority on the power failures on the island.

I knew this was going to happen!
Puerto Rico is using the storm damage as a means to get the entire grid rebuilt and extended into a state of the art condition on the back of our tax dollars…

Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad had they not strung houses together by extension cords and leaned poles against dead trees as a means to power the expanding populous…

"The damage to an already outdated and poorly maintained grid was comprehensive. Lines went down, poles snapped, towers fell and substations flooded. There are 30,000 miles of electrical line in Puerto Rico, and about 63 percent of it was affected."

That's the official description so imagine the outskirts of towns that live in little villages with no running water and an extension cord patchwork from over the hill that will now be updated with metal conduits and 200 Amp residential services run to each hut.

Next they will say they are in substandard conditions and begin work on a federal subsidized public sewage system then roofing etc.
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++Parts of Puerto Rico Won’t Have Power for 8 Months. What’s the Holdup?

##Parts of Puerto Rico Won’t Have Power for 8 Months. What’s the Holdup? - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Parts #Puerto #Rico #Wont #Have #Po#wer #for #Months #Whats #Holdup >> Commentary @ |
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