
President Trump's Staff Complain of Cockroach, Mice and Ant Infestations in the White House

Trump's Staff Complain of Cockroach, Mice and Ant Infestations
President Trump's Staff Complain of Cockroach, Mice and Ant Infestations in the White House
The White House may
be elaborately decorated for the holidays this time of year, but work orders reveal the presidential mansion is also infested with mice, cockroaches and ants.

Killing ants, roaches, mice and replacing a toilet seat is allot of work?
Scheduling people to kill ants, roaches, mice and to replace a toilet seat is hard?

This article must have been a monumental task then…
Are Trump and his people to live and work around crawling crap that someone in an apartment would have handled just because Obama didn't mind roaches, ants, mice, and old or broken toilet seats?

Time needs to check their watch before it expires…
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++Trump's Staff Complain of Cockroach, Mice and Ant Infestations

##President Trump's Staff Complain of Cockroach, Mice and Ant Infestations in the White House - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #President #Trump #Staff #Complain #Cockroach #Mice #Ant #Infestations #White #House

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