
The Palace the Master Carpenter Built

The Palace the Master Carpenter Built
The Palace the Master Carpenter Built
Maurice has outdone himself
again. This is the estate and roundwood palace he was hired to make unique and beautiful. The property includes a pottery studio complete with kiln, enclosed vineyard, a wine making building including the lift to bring the barrels up and down, wine cellar, chicken coop, enclosed garden, chicken coop, riding arena, horse barn, caretakers house, swimming pool, and main house. The unique and handmade wooden masterpieces are what makes this property amazing...not just that is is big and fancy. What do you think?

Maurice lives and works in Riggins, Idaho. His company is call Trickwood. Lisa his daughter kindly came along to share stories of her childhood and point out the brilliance of his work. Thank you Lisa and Maurice!

Awesome place but bigger than I would ever want or need to take care of.

I've finally begun to appreciate the meaning of KISS (keep it simple stupid)
- not that I'm stupid just that I over complicate…
Right or Wrong? Agree or Disagree?
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++ The Palace the Master Carpenter Built ## The Palace the Master Carpenter Built - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Palace #Master #Carpenter #Built

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