
As Trump tweets, Amazon seeks to expand its business empire

As Trump tweets, Amazon seeks to expand its business empire Headline re-write: As Amazon seeks to expand it's business oligopoly, Trump tweets to all the sleeping sheep what and how they are breaking the economy…

Amazon is spending millions of dollars on lobbying as the global online retailer seeks to expand its reach into a swath of industries that President Donald Trump's broadsides haven't come close to hitting.

Trump's attacks over the last week targeted what Amazon is best known for: rapidly shipping just about any product you can imagine to your door. But the company CEO Jeff Bezos founded

more than two decades ago is now a sprawling empire that sells groceries in brick-and-mortar stores, hosts the online services of other companies and federal offices in a network of data centers, and even recently branched into health care.

Amazon relies on a nearly 30-member in-house lobbying team that's four times as large as it was three years ago as well as outside firms to influence the lawmakers and federal regulators who can help determine its success.

The outside roster includes a retired congressman from Washington state who was a senior member of the powerful House Appropriations Committee when he stepped down.

Overall, Amazon spent $15.6 million on lobbying in 2017…

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