
Trump signs executive order pushing work requirements for the poor

Trump signs executive order pushing work requirements for the poor President Donald Trump directs federal agencies to review work requirements in safety net programs.
Another wonderful and bold step in the right direction!

If you are disabled you can not work but those that can work should be working.

All the vacancies in the job market that people refuse to take yet they continue to get benefits is disgusting.

If the purpose of handouts is to get food and jobs are available it only makes sense that the job can lessen the burden on the system while still providing food.

A poor person that expects to drive and live fancy needs to start somewhere and it is unreasonable and sickening when seeing

YouTube videos that show homeless people complaining that the $800 per month they receive is not enough while they sit there homeless on

the street smoking cigarettes and drinking a beverage out of a brown paper bag.

Why are we giving them $800 per month to blow with nothing to show?

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