
Dem lawmaker calls on Fox News to fire Hannity

Dem lawmaker calls on Fox News to fire Hannity Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) said Monday Fox News should fire Sean Hannity in the wake of the revelation that he is a client of President Trump's personal attorney, Michael Cohen.

"I think he is so into this like a pig in the mud he can't get out of it. And I think he deserves to be fired. His word can never again be trusted," Connolly said on CNN.

Connolly said Hannity's involvement with Cohen represents a conflict of interest, calling it "a big stain on Hannity and Fox News."

He also hit Hannity for spreading conspiracy theories about former President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and slain Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich.

Cohen's attorney revealed earlier Monday that Hannity is the previously unnamed third client Cohen has done legal work for. The revelation came during a hearing connected to the FBI raid of Cohen's office and home last week.

Cohen's attorney's revealed Hannity's identity as they sought to argue they should be able to review materials seized in the raid before federal prosecutors, so that they can determine what documents are protected by attorney-client privilege.

Hannity downplayed the news, asserting that Cohen had never formally represented him in legal proceedings.

"I have occasionally had brief discussions with him about legal questions about which I wanted his input and perspective," Hannity tweeted, adding that those conversations "dealt almost exclusively about real estate."…

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