
China vows to fight U.S. `at any cost` as trade tensions worsen

China vows to fight U.S. `at any cost` as trade tensions worsen AS the left continues to behave and headline articles as though the US would fil if not for almighty China:…

China vowed on Friday to fight the U.S. "at any cost" after President Trump proposed slapping an additional $100 billion in tariffs on Chinese goods in an escalating trade dispute between the world's two largest economies.

Mr. Trump's surprise move Thursday to instruct the U.S. trade representative to consider the additional tariffs came a day after Beijing announced plans to tax $50 billion in American products, including soybeans and small aircraft, in response to a U.S. move this week to slap tariffs on $50 billion in Chinese imports.

In Beijing, the Commerce Ministry said China doesn't want a trade war - but isn't afraid to fight one.

"China will dedicate itself to the end and at any cost and will definitely fight back firmly" if the U.S. persists in its "protectionism," the ministry said in a statement.

"This latest intimidation reflects the deep arrogance of some American elites in their attitude towards China," the state-run Global Times said in an editorial, according to the Reuters news service…Continued in article link above…

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