
Amid growing isolation, North Korea falls back on close ties with Cuba

Amid growing isolation, North Korea falls back...
Amid growing isolation, North Korea falls back on close ties with Cuba
Ri Yong Ho's visit comes as Cuba's relationship with
the United States continues to deteriorate.

"Growing isolation"?
-What does the North Korea in your last 30 years of dreamland-
Oh snap! Born in 1986 right?
Guess I'm getting old as I've actually lived long enough to have witnessed the history most "adults" don't comprehend or care to know.
Hey guys, North Korea has been isolated since the war they portrayed in the TV show M*A*S*H.
Perhaps you can watch reruns of it since you obviously don't read history books…
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++ Amid growing isolation, North Korea falls back... ## #Amid #growing #isolation, #North #Korea #falls #back on #close #ties #with #Cuba - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite

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