
. . . With Both Hands: Day Two of Chicago Blackout on News & Opinion Regarding Obamas Cash for Hostages

Day 2 Chicago Blackout Regarding Obamas Cash for Hostages
. . . With Both Hands: Day Two of Chicago Blackout on News & Opinion Regarding Obamas Cash for Hostages
From Today's Chicago Tribune I know
that a star woman basketball pro is getting married to a woman of her same sexual preference a...

A masterpiece of an article!
That's not to be looked down upon either as I'm a whitey so I know what pieces are masterful...
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++ Day 2 Chicago Blackout Regarding Obamas Cash for Hostages ## With Both Hands: Day Two of Chicago Blackout on News & Opinion Regarding Obamas Cash for Hostages - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #With #Both #Hands #Day #Two #Chica#go #Blackout #News #Opinion #Regarding #Obamas #Cash #Hostages

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