
When will evolution no longer be a theory"

When will evolution no longer be a theory"
When will evolution no longer be a theory"
Evolution may become more than
theory once it is proven and is indisputably objectively the case.

No one was there to measure or witness the events take place millions of years ago.
While it has been taught in school for many generations and has seeped deeply into societal understanding and perception of objective reality it has not yet met the criteria needed to be more than a theory.

It is possible to have the right idea or get the gist of a natural process closely enough to carry out predictions and calculations as expectations of common knowledge yet still be wrong about the complete process or parts of it that are declared as part of that theory.

If I believe "1+1=1.999999999999999999999 because atoms are left behind in any transaction or interaction between two objects" my calculator and/or needs of calculations in most environments might not be thrown askew enough by my premise to declare an issue in my thought processes or that declaration.

If I were to begin teaching that to all children and reiterating it on science programs and TV sitcoms over a period of years someone just like you would question why it is not deemed more than theory.

Can it be proven and if so in a definitive or quantifiable way?
Right or Wrong? Agree or Disagree?
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++ When will evolution no longer be a theory" ## When will evolution no longer be a theory" - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #When #will #evolution #longer #theory

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