
America's Best States to Live In

America's Best States to Live In
America's Best States to Live In
Most Americans do not
choose where they grow up and often end up living in the same place as adults, either for financial reasons or because of social and familial connections. Still, many Americans choose to pack up and move to a new state - usually in search of better life.

Um, How many of the states in this list are also easily put in the list of the least diverse?
Having it both ways?
Let's bring gangster rap and low riders with ground shaking bass to the mountain villages of 20 people that survive on hunting and die by avalanche…
So peaceful…

It happens often enough out here when that one guy that lives a few miles away has his dealer drive into the boonies as he shakes the ground well before you see his car zipping past on a country road.
It's too often by way of nature but just often enough to remind me why I moved away.

It continues to encroach into rural areas as it leaches into the children raised by TV and government schools...
Right or Wrong? Agree or Disagree?
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++ America's Best States to Live In ## America's Best States to Live In - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #America #Best #States #Live

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