
Analysis: What’s with Trump and female world leaders? WaPo Hate Equality?

Analysis: What’s with Trump and female world leaders?
Analysis: What’s with Trump and female world leaders?
Famous for his abrasive style,
President Trump still seems to clash more with female leaders than male presidents and prime ministers.

I thought just a few hours back you had issues with him in relation to everyone.
What's your fucking angle asshole?
Should he treat women gently like little defenseless bitches?
He is actually treating everyone equally and you still find shit to bitch about!
Rick Noack of WaPo doesn't like it when women are treated equally…
Right or Wrong? Agree or Disagree?
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++ Analysis: What’s with Trump and female world leaders? ## Analysis: What’s with Trump and female world leaders? WaPo Hate Equality? - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Analysis #Whats #with #Trump #female #world #leaders #WaPo #Hates #Equality

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