
Obscure provision in Senate tax bill seen costing banks billions

Obscure provision in Senate tax bill seen costing banks billions
Obscure provision in Senate tax bill seen costing banks billions
The mortgage industry is panicking
over a provision in the Senate tax bill that some analysts and trade groups say may drive small lenders out of the business.

Just how is this bad news exactly?
Is it so bad that predators be reduced from the landscape?
"That change could cost banks tens of billions of dollars as the value of those income streams drops. The reduction would be enough to drive smaller lenders and non-bank lenders to either exit the mortgage market altogether..."
Yet another promise Trump is trying to keep!
He is trying to help us with tax relief while democrats and bankers both regroup and throw tantrums…
Right or Wrong? Agree or Disagree?
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++ Obscure provision in Senate tax bill seen costing banks billions ## Obscure provision in Senate tax bill seen costing banks billions - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Obscure #provision #Senate #tax #bill #seen #costing #banks #billions

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