
If Saudi Arabians really are Muslims and not a US puppet then why are they treating the Islamophobic Trump like a god giving him medals, gold, and keep praising him? - Quora

If Saudi isn't US puppet why treat Trump like god? - Quora
If Saudi Arabians really are Muslims and not a US puppet then why are they treating the Islamophobic Trump like a god giving him medals, gold, and keep praising him? - Quora
Do you appease an enemy
if he can smite you easily simply due to ire?

Do you not keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer?

Do they not respect the power he holds over his populace as they do over theirs?

Is being a political leader that forces conformity of a group of people the act of a Muslim?

Any answer to any of these will allow your answer to surface…
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++ If Saudi isn't US puppet why treat Trump like god? - Quora ## If Saudi Arabians really are Muslims and not a US puppet then why are they treating the Islamophobic Trump like a god giving him medals, gold, and keep praising him? - Quora - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Saudi #Arabians #Muslim #real #puppet #why #treat #Islamophobic #Trump #like #god #medal #gold #keep #praise #him

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