
Sign-up pace slows in third week of 2018 Obamacare enrollment

Sign-up pace slows in third week of 2018 Obamacare enrollment
Sign-up pace slows in third week of 2018 Obamacare enrollment
The pace slowed in the third week of
enrollment for 2018 Obamacare individual insurance as nearly 800,000 people signed up through the federal government website, down about 75,000 people from the previous week, a U.S. government agency reported on Wednesday.

So in a country of 335,000,000+ people less than 2,000,000 people signed up in two weeks?

Signup is almost over too… 0.6 of 1% signed up for Obamacare so far.
Sounds like a success – NOT!
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++ Sign-up pace slows in third week of 2018 Obamacare enrollment ## Sign-up pace slows in third week of 2018 Obamacare enrollment - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Signup #pace #slows #third #week #Obamacare #enrollment

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