
The Internet Is UNDER ATTACK, Net Neutrality is Dying, and What You Can Do...

The Internet Is UNDER ATTACK, Net Neutrality is Dying, and What You Can Do...
The Internet Is UNDER ATTACK, Net Neutrality is Dying, and What You Can Do...
With the net as a utility it allowed a more
monolithic conglomerate to take hold.

If a private company were as large as "insert current ISP here" they'd be broken up by the FTC with anti-trust due to having too much control of any given media and its delivery.

There is choice in cellular and that gives price points and competition in the markets.

There is not choice in landline telephone due to being a utility - and it's the same companies too...

Net neutrality is a flashy name for companies to rally behind that says "we wanna be like the insurance companies holding hands with the Fed"...
Right or Wrong? Agree or Disagree?
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++ The Internet Is UNDER ATTACK, Net Neutrality is Dying, and What You Can Do... ## The Internet Is UNDER ATTACK, Net Neutrality is Dying, and What You Can Do... - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Internet #UNDER #ATTACK #Net #Neutrality #Dying #What #You #Can #Do

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