
The president attacked her son. So Marshawn Lynch's mother fired back.

The president attacked her son. So Marshawn Lynch's mother fired back.
The president attacked her son. So Marshawn Lynch's mother fired back.
Marshawn Lynch's mother Delisa jumped
into the fray after President Trump attacked her son on Twitter.

So this story started off calling Trump a bully provoking an emotional solidarity between efforts to defend a mother / child bond rather than calling out someone kneeling during your own country's anthem while in a different country.
By the end of the story leaves you with the impression of something heroic about he who dishonored his country abroad and she who defends him…

As lame as WP!
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++ The president attacked her son. So Marshawn Lynch's mother fired back. ## The president attacked her son So Marshawn Lynch's mother fired back - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #president #attacked #her #son #Marshawn #Lynch #mother #fired #back

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