
NY AG probing massive scheme to influence FCC with fake net neutrality comments

NY AG probing scheme to influence FCC with fake comments
NY AG probing massive scheme to influence FCC with fake net neutrality comments
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (D)
is investigating what he calls a massive scheme to corrupt the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) with fake public comments on net neutrality.

So this appears to be step one in persuading a narrative that A) comments to the FCC count like votes and B) a foreign government has stolen or is misusing US citizens' identities to sway comments (as votes telling the FCC what to do).

So Russia is slowing down our internet now? LMAO!
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++ NY AG probing massive scheme to influence FCC with fake net neutrality comments ## NY AG probing massive scheme to influence FCC with fake net neutrality comments - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #NY #probing #massive #scheme #influence #FCC #with #fake #net #neutrality #comments

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