
Video shows nurses laughing as dying WWII vet calls for help

Video shows nurses laughing as dying WWII vet calls for help
Video shows nurses laughing as dying WWII vet calls for help
The clip revealed a decorated World War II veteran
died calling out for help while a pair of nurses laughed in front of him.

The idea of being at the mercy of others is a scary thought especially when they didn't birth you.
It would be atypical for a parent to laugh at their child while they are suffocating in front of you but it could be expected to find either children or especially non-relatives that would react with little regard…
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++ Video shows nurses laughing as dying WWII vet calls for help ## #Video #shows #nurses #laughing as #dying #WWII #vet #calls #for #help - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite

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