
LaVar Ball fires back at Donald Trump: ‘Did you go visit them in jail?’

LaVar Ball fires back at Donald Trump on jail...
LaVar Ball fires back at Donald Trump: ‘Did you go visit them in jail?’
The war of words between LaVar Ball
and Donald Trump is officially on.

The mentality of Americans, the manipulation of words, and of bias in the media is on full display!
Did the President need to mention them to Xi Ping?
Does their father not think the mentioning of the President is what got them released regardless of him visiting them in a different Chinese town's local jail or not?
I just can't make sense of how non-sensical Ball is or the thought patterns he projects outwardly are…
Right or Wrong? Agree or Disagree?
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++ LaVar Ball fires back at Donald Trump on jail... ## #LaVar #Ball #fires #back at #Donald #Trump: #Did #you #go #visit #them in #jail? - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite

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