
7 Ways Flynn Would Be An Invaluable Witness For Mueller's Russia Probe

Ways Flynn Would Be An Invaluable Witness For Mueller
7 Ways Flynn Would Be An Invaluable Witness For Mueller's Russia Probe
Special Counsel Robert Mueller's
Russia investigation may be heading toward a major turn, if recent hints that former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn is cooperating with the probe pan out.Flynn — who departed the White...

The name of the fucking reporting agency is "Talking Points Memo"?
How is this not propaganda?

Brain dead is as brain dead does…
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++ Ways Flynn Would Be An Invaluable Witness For Mueller ## 7 Ways Flynn Would Be An Invaluable Witness For Mueller's Russia Probe - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Ways #Flynn #Would #Invaluable #Witness #Mueller #Russia #Probe

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