
Geordie Rose in his own words Tsunami of Demons is coming

Geordie Rose in his own words Tsunami of Demons is coming
wow the CEO and creator of quantum computing admits
to summoning entities and attempting to manipulate them to gain information, admits to that on a recorded seminar, then attempts to recruit software engineers to help him manipulate, control, and confine them - And he ain't joking either...
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++Geordie Rose in his own words Tsunami of Demons is coming

##Geordie Rose in his own words Tsunami of Demons is coming - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Geordie #Rose #his #own #words #Tsunami #Demons #coming >> Commentary @ |
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  1. Replies
    1. I frequent a Vlog of a follower of Q.
      Really though is any of this a surprise?
      It's nice to have a who's who and/or a timeline though...
      But this shit has been known for years with the CFR, trilateral com, JFK, then Bush's NWO speech.
      Did you know one of the founders of the UN was "the Lucifer Trust" and that the Vatican uses a telescope named Lucifer? - both documented...

      Albert Pike told the world who he was decacdes ago.
      Ben Franklin was the instigator of the French Revolution then came back here...

  2. you may find this entertaining

    This guy...Isaac Green has a YouTube channel anti school.. he follows Q and the Illuminati

    1. Just chillin. I've got hot sauce in my bag. (Hillary quotes) lol.
      Kat's pretty cool til beating up the cashier :)
      This is one I was into for a bit here and there (sorted):

    2. Used to be called [Round Saturn's Eye] R$E but now it's called [RiSE] and is more generic. Some were hit and some were miss but most from 3 years ago were pretty good. Mostly symbology but it proved to be pretty redundant as it is all a wash, rinse, repeat. There is nothing new under the sun.


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