
The Ancient Sumerians in South America

The Ancient Sumerians in South America
The Ancient Sumerians in South America
Mesopotamia is known for being the home of a number of advanced civilisations in the ancient world, such as the Sumerians, who ventured out from their homeland and strongly influenced the cultural developments of what would become the ancient world's most powerful nations, such as the dynastic Egyptians, but what many don't know is that there is overwhelming evidence for the ancient Sumerians travelling to and settling in South America.

The specific area of note is around Tiwanaku and Lake Titikaka in Bolivia – an area chosen so that the ancient Sumerians could mine tin and other important minerals, experts say. Watch this video to see the amazing finds and you can make your own mind up about how you think the Sumerians shaped the history of this great continent.
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++The Ancient Sumerians in South America

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