
Progressive groups call on Franken to resign amid groping allegations

Progressive groups call on Franken to resign amid groping allegations
Progressive groups call on Franken to resign amid groping allegations
Two prominent progressive groups
are calling on Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) to resign in the wake of sexual misconduct allegations against him. Credo Action and Indivisible called for Franken's resignation Monday after a second woman accused Franken of groping her without her consent."Sen. Al Franken had the chance last week to take full responsibility for past sexual harassment, sexual assault and a...

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++ Progressive groups call on Franken to resign amid groping allegations ## Progressive groups call on Franken to resign amid groping allegations - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Progressive #groups #call #Franken #resign #amid #groping #allegations

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