
Ingraham: The good news they're not telling you

Ingraham: The good news they're not telling you
Ingraham: The good news they're not telling you
While others continue to parrot
conspiracy theories and cover issues that mean nothing to our daily lives, know that things are getting demonstratively better in big ways and small.

Right, so aside from the obvious format of the show, the fact that her speech was prewritten, and thta she stumbled on the word all at the end, the contents of said speech were quite objective and provable.

Others may focus on different issues or aspects of life but that should not diminish the factually objective points brought up in this show's opening.

I find that it is common for Conservatives to represent only the good aspects yet tell the truth while Liberals have a tendency to exagerate and twist the truth until an objective report becomes subjectively misrepresented.

While they both run into this issue on their editorialized programming it happens quite often on liberal "news" segments as many of today's reporters read reports that blend narrative into the mix rather than simply reporting events.

It really is quite sad when Comedy central is actually as news worthy as news networks are...
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++Ingraham: The good news they're not telling you

##Ingraham: The good news they're not telling you - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Ingraham #good #news #theyre #not #telling #you

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