
Bernie Sanders’ Prediction About the GOP's Tax Scam Already Came True

Bernie Sanders’ Prediction About the GOP's Tax Scam Already Came True
Bernie Sanders’ Prediction About the GOP's Tax Scam Already Came True
A few weeks ago at CNN's tax reform debate, Bernie Sanders told viewers that Republicans would immediately pivot to "reforming" medicare, medicaid, and social security as a means of tackling the deficit crisis they'd create by passing their tax plan that provides the richest 1% of Americans with trillions of dollars in tax cuts. His prediction already came true, as House Speaker Paul Ryan said the Party would focus on entitlement reform next year in the event they're able to codify their tax plan into law.

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Maybe this is new to you in your social bubble but fiscal conservatives and small government libertarians want less tax, less government, & less deficit by means of allowing societal organizations like churches and charities be the safety net for those that need help rather than have a daddy/nanny government.
Social organizations adhere to moral codes and standards where governmental departments do not discriminate.
This means people will need to behave morally and treat each other respectfully or lose their safety net where as it is now people shit on each other then get food stamps paid for by those they shit on and steal from.
Smaller government means less public sector paychecks and programs to pay for which reduces need for funding thusly shrinking debt as balances go from deficit to surplus.
Small communities of people helping each other is a theme that liberals and libertarians can agree upon.
When man vs man we consume each other when man vs nature we work together.
We need to get back to living and lose the hustling of each other.
Right or Wrong? Agree or Disagree?
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++Bernie Sanders’ Prediction About the GOP's Tax Scam Already Came True

##Bernie Sanders’ Prediction About the GOP's Tax Scam Already Came True - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Bernie #Sanders #Prediction #About #GOP #Tax #Scam #Already #Came #True >> Commentary @ |
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