
After 37 Years, NASA fires up thrusters on a spacecraft 13 billion miles away

After 37 Years, NASA fires up thrusters on a spacecraft 13 billion miles away
After 37 Years, NASA fires up thrusters on a spacecraft 13 billion miles away
NASA reported on Friday that
it has successfully turned on a set of thrusters aboard the Voyager 1 spacecraft.

Ya know that sound people make when they mask yelling the word "bull-shit" to sound like they were coughing or sneezing?

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++After 37 Years, NASA fires up thrusters on a spacecraft 13 billion miles away

##After 37 Years, NASA fires up thrusters on a spacecraft 13 billion miles away - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #After #Years #NASA #fires #thrusters #spacecraft #billion #miles #away #FAKENEWS

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