
Mueller Removed Top F.B.I. Agent Over Possible Anti-Trump Texts

Mueller Removed Top FBI Agent Over Anti-Trump Texts
Mueller Removed Top F.B.I. Agent Over Possible Anti-Trump Texts
The special counsel removed a top
F.B.I. agent from his investigation into Russian election meddling.

See how they do that?
It took 3 of them to snow us all over with slick twisting and rewording the report with indirect slights and leveling language like calling both President Trump and Mister Mueller by the title "Mister" to make them equals emotionally while sewing doubts of importance in "the agent" that gets not title at all…

TNYT is, was, and likely will be a biased non-objective narrative weaving talking points pusher well into the future.

I can only hope this reason and expose reaches at least one reader!
Right or Wrong? Agree or Disagree?
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++Mueller Removed Top FBI Agent Over Anti-Trump Texts

##Mueller Removed Top FBI Agent Over Possible Anti-Trump Texts - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Mueller #Removed #Top #FBI #Agent #Over #Possible #AntiTrump #Texts

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