
The Senates Tax Bill Eliminates the Individual Mandate for Health Insurance. Heres What You Need to Know

Senates Bill Eliminates Mandate for Health Ins. Need to Know
The Senates Tax Bill Eliminates the Individual Mandate for Health Insurance. Heres What You Need to Know
Early Saturday morning, the Senate
voted to pass the Republican Party's sweeping tax reform bill, and among other provisions, the bill would eliminate the penalty for not buying health insurance starting in 2019. So next year, you still need to be covered — at least, as of now.

You need to know that this is a good thing!
That means more choices, less coercion, and more friggin' money in your pockets!

Money magazine and other globalist businesses are simply trying to keep us in the financial snare of choosing between monthly payments or yearly fines.

Trump has freed us from this and allowed us choice and relief that lets us keep more of the money we worked so hard to get!

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++Senates Bill Eliminates Mandate for Health Ins. Need to Know

##The Senates Tax Bill Eliminates the Individual Mandate for Health Insurance. Heres What You Need to Know - #livinMicro #FairlyAdept #soWrongItsWrite #Senates #Tax #Bill #Eliminates #Individual #Mandate #Health #Insurance #Need #Know

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