
Ex-punk rocker O'Rourke officially begins his 2018 Senate bid
Beto O'Rourke, who needed a hefty upset to win his congressional seat six years ago will have to pull off an even bigger one to unseat Ted Cruz

Why not?
Punk rockers are allowed to grow up.
Most of these anti-fa and screaming gender neutral things will one day grow up as well.
I find that most of whom grew up in leftist ideologies grow into understanding conservative morals and ideologies where most that grow up as Disney princesses and/or little spoiled brats typically become leftist as adults.
While there are always going to be exceptions to every rule I'm willing to bet more people would admit to this of people in their circles than not.
Of course I could simply be surrounded by shitty stupid people too.
Did I just describe myself?...Lol!

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