
Conservative Star Tomi Lahren "Banned Permanently" From The Blaze (Report)
Lahren was previously suspended for her pro-choice comments made on 'The View'.

     Abortion is not considered murder because there is debate regarding when a fetus becomes a person.  

     If it is not a person the termination of life can not be called murder.

     I do not believe there's any debate as to whether or not a fetus is alive.
I do not believe there's any debate as to whether or not an abortion terminates the life of a fetus.
     To some an abortion means taking a life that has started that would be born as a human person.
To others an abortion takes the life of something that is not yet a human person.
     Both parties appear to agree that abortion is killing a fetus.
Perhaps pro life can say "stop killing fetus that are alive and growing". Perhaps pro abortion could say "allow us to kill fetus before they are born as a legal person".
     I feel those arguments are more genuine and precise.

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