
Clinton criticizes Trump budget cuts to diplomatic programs
Hillary Clinton on Friday criticized President Donald Trump's proposal to slash billions of dollars from diplomacy.

In case you have yet to realize it:
The Democrats have rejected Hillary.
The Republicans have rejected Hillary.
The reason we can't get rid of her and why she continues to dictate what messages we are hearing and how we hear them is because she represents the international bankers, corporations, and one world government.
She was the one pulling the strings and directing the infiltration of our government by all these leftist activists.
It is these ties that are the reason the DNC did her bidding.
It is these reasons the new head of the DNC fired all staffers to start fresh.
It is these reasons Hillary was not brought down by James Comey and Loretta Lynch.
Our country is in a fight for its life against those that Hillary represents.
Obama was chosen as their face for the past 8 years allowing them to push through all their agendas without descent as Americans were afraid of being labeled racist.
Hillary attempted to use sexism in the same fashion but failed as the children screamed and scrambled after America got up off of its arm chair and stood up for just a moment.
Keep pushing Hillary, keep pushing and America will actually walk across the room and take off its belt.
The fathers and mothers of America will not allow their children to so far out of control as you hope they will and America is beginning to see with more clarity as this generation was raised by the grandparents of the generation you destroyed with indoctrination and medication of the school systems.
We've got your number and the tide is turning one forehead slap at a time!

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