
9th Circuit standoff or is it a feud?

Political grandstanding or interpretations of law?
Political grandstanding or interpretations of law?
Justices on 9th Circuit feuding over travel ban ruling: report
A feud is reportedly playing out among judges on the federal appeals court that upheld a block on President Trump's original travel ban. Politico reported Saturday that five judges on the San Francisco-based Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals this week publicly recorded their disagreement with last month's ruling made by t...
The view from here:
They are supposed to be impartial interpreters of the law not partisan political enforcers.
They should lose their spot on the seat - and the blatancy of their intent is so obvious.
It is also obvious that "the Hill" has a bias as "the conservative" justices are simply in compliance with the law as written while "the liberal" judges are activists or adhering to an ideology rather than interpreting the law.

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