
Obama's was bigger?

Regarding: "Park service inauguration photos show Obama's was bigger" (link)

The National Park Service released dozens of photos Monday

The National Park Service released dozens of photos Monday from President Trump's inauguration that appear to refute the president's claim that the "dishonest media" downplayed the inaugural crowd size... as reported by USA Today on MSN Politics
Slow news day?
Are we actually doing all this over again?
Did the FOIA request get you the same exact image, used here, that we already saw on hundreds of articles over a month ago?
There are several other images and videos that show a much more populated turnout - even CNN shows that while it wasn't elbow to asshole it was packed much more densely than the image shown here.
To explore CNN's Awsomely detailed mondo gigapixel 3D imaging of the inauguration during President Trump's speech and ceremony click (here).

A fully zoomed in shot of the structure preceding the Washington Monument

Was it less feet on the ground than during Obama's?
Seems so.
Did more people tune in as a whole worldwide?
Likely, if for no reason other than more people could tune in due to tech saturation and population expansion, but yes.
Where's the intent lie behind requesting a FOIA and /or the writing of the past, present, and I'm sure future repeats of this exaggerated and manufactured outrage?

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