
Obama Officials Made List of Russia Documents To Keep Them Safe
A former Obama official said they gave a list to senators because of concern about what would happen to the classified docs after Trump took office.

Let's pretend this isn't inflammatory trolling and take it at face value.
This means evidence was collected and made to be common knowledge to those in the Obama admin.
This further means there was a distinct effort made to work against the intent, narrative, and/or foreign policy of the new admin.
This is worse than blocking a freeway and calling it a protest.
This is a protracted effort that was premeditated with intent to undermine the authority and ability for the next administration to govern.
This was political activism all the way up to and inside the oval office of the last admin.
This proves the entire democratic party and process was infiltrated by an external extra-governmental 3rd party with intent to erode our county's sovereignty.
Can't be much more obvious than that.
This is/was a globalist attempt at an overthrow of the US as we know it..

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