
Putin's Plan to 'Greatly Benefit the US'?

Putin's Plan to 'Greatly Benefit the US'?
Putin's Plan to 'Greatly Benefit the US'?
Manafort's plan to 'greatly benefit the Putin Government' (link)

President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, secretly worked for a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin a decade ago.

Putin - Manafort - Conservatives at heart?
This article is worded in such a way as to lead the reader to a conclusion.
Even the title is biased as it perpetuates a DNC talking point.
A realistic idea that could be conveyed would read as "Manafort plans to greatly benefit the world with a truly free market and a socially conservative stance that allows other cultures to their own cultural moral set within their own borders".
Putin and RT are not anti-America they are anti-activism/anti-counter culture or at least anti-promotion of the preceding.
The liberals would paint the picture of yesterday's American values as being anti-American as they emotionally project their pro-gay pro-Muslim anti-white anti-male anti-Christian desires upon every single facet of reality.

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